Few people know what a skin fungus on the legs looks like, despite the prevalence of this infection. It is ignorance that many people mistake a fungal infection for a common irritation or allergic reaction, so they start treatment at an advanced stage as the disease progresses. Fungal infections are resistant, according to statistics, 20% of the total population is susceptible to them.
What does a fungal infection look like?
The fungus belongs to the category of infectious diseases that affect the skin, mainly on the feet. There are several types of the disease, but the most common is mycosis. The fungus is hardy, it can adapt to almost any conditions. Even if a person gets rid of the disease, a relapse is often inevitable, as the fungal spores continue to live in clothes and shoes. In most cases, mycosis affects the nails and skin of the feet.
Few people know what a foot fungus looks like. The fungus is of several types, each of which has its own symptoms and manifestations:
- the initial stage of the fungus is manifested by redness of the skin, swelling and microcracks;
- the fungus continues to progress and the skin peels off and becomes covered with red-pink spots;
- if the disease is not treated properly, the fungal infection spreads to the nails, changing their color, shape and structure.
The last stage is characterized by exfoliation of the skin and the appearance of deep cracks that cause pain and bleeding. At all stages of development, the fungus on the toes manifests itself as itching, which is often unbearable. To accurately represent the appearance of the disease, it is enough to look at the pictures on this topic.

The process of getting a fungal infection
The fungus affects people regardless of their age and professional activity. The infection is easily transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person (especially when wearing someone else's shoes). You can also get infected in public places like baths, saunas, and swimming pools. Getting on the skin, the fungus gradually begins to destroy the nails, as it moves throughout the body. That is why the advanced stage of the disease lends itself only to complex therapies (creams, ointments, drops and tablets).
The risk group for contracting a fungal infection includes certain categories of people:
- employees of enterprises who participate in a public shower after a work shift;
- people who are professionally involved in sports;
- military personnel (mainly sailors);
- public service workers;
- miners.
Fungal infection quite often affects housewives and those people whose professional duties are directly related to water.

Skin fungus: diagnosis and treatment
Having learned what a skin fungus on the legs looks like, you can immediately determine this disease. But self-medication in this case is inappropriate, since initially it is necessary to identify the type of pathogens and its form. This can only be done in a medical facility. If a person, for external signs, suspects that he has a skin fungus, he urgently needs to consult a dermatologist.
The specialist must necessarily conduct an initial examination of the patient, take the necessary tests (complete blood count, microscopy). If the diagnosis is confirmed, the person is prescribed the necessary treatment. These can be creams, topical ointments, and oral tablets. Only the doctor decides how to treat the disease, it is not recommended to prescribe antifungal drugs for oneself.

Folk remedies
At the initial stage of the development of the disease or in addition to drug treatment, traditional medicine is perfect. There are several ways to get rid of foot fungus. To cure the fungus on the skin, it is recommended to prepare a tincture of plantain or chamomile flowers. To do this, you need to take 2 tbsp. herbs and pour 200 ml of boiling water. The tincture must be cooled, poured into a basin and the lower legs there for 15-20 minutes. After that, carefully wipe your feet with a paper towel and smear with birch tar, paying special attention to the affected skin. The procedure must be repeated every day until the signs of the disease completely disappear.
If the nails have been affected by the fungus, the treatment will be longer. Of traditional medicine, iodine and 9% vinegar are the most commonly used. The fluids should be combined in equal proportions, and the affected nails should be lubricated with the resulting medicine. In this case, it is advisable to saw off the nail plate as much as possible.
Folk remedies are very effective in some cases. However, it is not recommended to use them at an advanced stage of the disease, when the fungal infection has already entered the bloodstream. In this case, it is better to turn to specialists for help, who can recommend not only competent, but also safe treatment.
Skin fungus does not cause significant harm to human health, but very often it causes discomfort, as the affected areas of the skin and nails do not look very attractive. The presence of such a disease prevents a person from accessing public places (swimming pools, saunas, water parks), despite the fact that both in these institutions the infection is common. As a preventive measure, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene and monitor your health.